What should I bring to my eye exam?

  • Your Valid OHIP card if you have one.

  • Any glasses and/or contact lenses that you currently use (for contact lenses please bring either an unopened pair or a box with the parameters on it).

  • A list of all current medications.

Is my eye exam covered by OHIP? (Note: This is currently under review by the Ontario Government)

  • If you are 19 years old and under or 65 years old and above, and you possess a valid OHIP card, then your eye exam is currently covered by OHIP.

  • If you are between 19-65 years old then you are not covered by OHIP unless you have very specific health or eye issues such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, or diabetes. Your Optometrist will let you know if you have one of the conditions that is covered by OHIP.

Will ClearView Optometry 'direct-bill' my insurance?

  • We may be able to direct bill, or at least submit a claim for reimbursement to you for the following insurance providers: Blue Cross, Manulife Financial, Canada (Great West) Life, Sunlife Financial, The Cooperators, Canadian Construction Workers Union, Chambers of Commerce Insurance group, CINUP, ClaimSecure, Cowan, Desjardins Insurance, First Canadian, GroupHEALTH, GroupSource, Industrial Alliance, Johnson Inc., Johnston Group Inc., LiUNA Local 183, LiUNA Local 506, Manion, Maximum Benefit, and TELUS AdjudiCare .

  • Please check with your insurance to see if you are set up for online direct billing prior to your appointment. 

         (Patients are responsible for knowing their individual insurance coverage and plan benefits). 

I am in the Military, can I get my eye exam and glasses at ClearView Optometry?

  • Yes you can! Simply log in to your Blue Cross portal to verify that you are eligible and we will take care of the rest. 

How long will my eye exam take?

  • A typical full eye exam will last between 20-40 minutes depending on whether or not your eyes are dilated with eye drops. 

Will the Doctor put drops in my eyes?

  • We recommended that you have your eyes dilated with drops so that the Optometrist can check the health of your eyes more accurately. The drops will make you light sensitive and they can also blur your vision. While some patients do drive with the drops in (with a good pair of sunglasses), others prefer to bring a driver. If you prefer not to have your eyes dilated at your full exam then you are always welcome to schedule the drops on a later date at no additional charge.

How often should I get my eyes checked?

  • Children should get their eyes checked yearly until the age of 19.

  • Healthy adults 19-65 years old should get their eyes checked every 2 years*.

  • Adults 65 years old and up should have their eyes checked yearly as they are more at risk for certain eye diseases*.

*Adults with certain health or eye issues may need to have their eyes checked yearly or even more frequently pending the health problem and its severity. The Optometrist will let you know how often you should have your eyes checked.

When should I start bringing my child in for an eye exam?

  • Children are very adaptable and will not always be able to tell you if something is wrong with their eyes or vision. That is why we recommended that children have their first eye exam at 6 months, and then yearly from about 3 years old and up.

I see perfectly well, do I still need an eye exam?

  • Yes, you should still get your regular eye exam even if you have perfect vision. During an eye exam the Optometrist will check whether or not you need glasses, but they will also check the health of your eyes. There are some very serious eye diseases that you can't feel or see yourself, so it is important that you still have your eyes checked regularly.